OMG I can only think of 37 things....
1. paint some beautiful crone paintings
2. have perfect technique on all of the easy to moderate yoga poses
3. go a year without coffee
4. go a year without eggs
5. learn integrated movement therapy
6. support preadolescents in developing into their most wonderful selves
7. bake the vegan chocolate birthday cake from the Sneaky Chef
8. travel to Turkey or San Francisco to visit Nilsu
9. research the effects of integrated movement therapy on the elderly
10 research the effects of integrated movement therapy on the morbidly obese
11 have an art show
12 research overcoming resistance as it applies to people with chronic disease
13 get big pink climbing roses to grow over the art studio
14 run, swim, bike a half marathon
15 use a CSA
16 meditate for 20 min every day for a month
17 spend seven days in silence
18 publish a raw foods for diabetics article with carb counts for all the foods
19 master advanced Spanish grammar
20 walk all the permanent labyrinths in Washington state
21 practice the meditation Mithra suggests for 180 days+
22 prepare raw food for a large group as a job
23 do a performance art piece where I dance in costumes I have made
24 create a whole exhibit of feminist art peices from cloth
25 create a whole exhibit of feminist art photography peices
26 realize tendencies are illusory
27 read eight books about Carl Jung
28 Serve artichoke pinole dip with rice crackers, Alice Water's Winter Minestrone and those vegan brownies for a holiday meal
29 Spend the Dream Fund Cash with Vanessa (a beach and New Age grooviness will be involved!)
30 Feed children that don't have enough food- fight policies that cause the situation
31 Have a complete conversation with Ada and Jon in Spanish - this probably means going to a Spanish speaking country for at least two months very soon
32 Visit Virginia and Justine
33 Make a documentary video
34 Write a screenplay
35 Go four years (and more!) with perfect blood sugars!
36 Co-Write the Big Green Money Workbook with Vanessa
37 make sure my kids are strong swimmers
38 larger than lifesize paper mache art & multimedia show
39 Go to Costa Rica and Hawaii & bike across Ireland with Stephen
40 Register for campsites in January & plant Sunflowers in March
41 Will this organic garden ever be weed free? Pat says it can be done in seven years!
42 Walk the labyrinths of Washington